200 boxes of Valentine candy were purchased with the Thrivent Community Impact Card. These boxes were included in gift bags stuffed with goodies and distributed at local Veteran facilities.
The Have a Heart for Veterans project was spearheaded by Kathy Speer, the Housing Administrator of Wesley by the Bay. In the photo is her assistant.
Our goal was to collect 500 food items to donate to the Ocean City Food Cupboard. If we could accomplish this goal, Thrivent agreed to donate a check for $500.
We exceeded our goal because of our generous congregation (some pictured here)!! Together we collected over 650 items.
We delivered over 650 items to the Ocean City Ecumenical Council food cupboard 11/7/2024.Accepting the food were Jack Shea, president of the OCEC (back row, right) and Debbie Buckley, (front row, right) co-coordinator of the OCEC food cupboard. Marcus Dobberfuhl (center, back row) was project coordinator from St. John Lutheran church. Diane Bechtold had three wonderful helpers deliver the goods. Thanks to all who contributed food items during the month of October and to Thrivent for their generous contribution.
Each year we donate items to this Lutheran mission to offer Christian love, a helping hand and friendship to Seafarers from around the world. Donate directly to this worthy cause through the Amazon Wish List. Visit the link below to view the Seafarer's website or click the button to order an item directly from Amazon. Donations can also be made through St. John. A satchel of items is a $35 donation, however, any donation towards a satchel is greatly appreciated.
One of our own needs help! The beloved niece of a St. John member was caught in the Ukrainian conflict while studying abroad in Ukraine. A Liberian citizen, Bellor, has been able to relocate to Germany and has applied for a visa to the United States so she can continue her studies here. St. John is helping by providing her with the funds needed for housing and food as she waits for the process to bring her home to her family in the US. With God's grace, we hope to continue helping her in this way as long as it is needed.
Donation envelopes for Bellor are available in the Narthex.
As members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), we believe that God is calling us into the world – together. And with generous, loving hands, we can make a difference.
ELCA Good Gifts is your opportunity to provide critical support to the ministries and programs that mean the most to you and the people you love. https://goodgifts.elca.org
The Branches Outreach is a nonprofit, overarching organization that supports the work of the Branches Outreach Center, Food Pantry, mobile food delivery and all services and programs for the relief of the poor, the distressed, or the underprivileged residents of Cape May County.
Lutheran Disaster Response shares God's hope, healing and renewal with people whose lives have been disrupted by disasters in the United States and around the world. When the dust settles and the headlines change, we stay to provide ongoing assistance to those in need.
The NJ Synod is a geographical grouping of Evangelica Lutheran Church in America. To stay connected click the link below.
Meets every second Tuesday evening from 6:30-7:30 pm via Zoom. See main page for details.
Click here to visit the ELCA Daily Bible Reading online.
This informal groups meets at an area restaurant on the third Thursday of every month at 4:30pm. Dinner Club will resume in March.
Women of the ELCA meets monthly in the lounge. See calendar page for details or click below.
United Methodist Communities at The Shores
Volunteer opportunities
Bingo callers
Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:00-3:00pm
Training provided.
Transport volunteer
Wednesdays 9am-12pm
Escort residents from their apartments to our in-house hair salon.
Wheelchair experience preferred. Training provided.
Walking club – Tapestries (flexible days/times)
Enjoy an outdoor or indoor walk around our community.
Dementia education provided.
Friendly visits (flexible days/times)
Visit with residents in common areas inside and outside our community
Therapy dog volunteer (flexible days/times)
Escort our therapy dog, Melly to her visits with residents around our community
Must have experience with dogs. Training provided.
Musical volunteer (flexible days/times)
Entertain residents throughout the community with your instruments or our piano.
Activities volunteer (flexible days/times)
Engage in shuffleboard, ski ball, air hockey or pool with assisted living residents.
Event/program volunteer
Assist as needed during events, concerts, activities and programs
Green thumb volunteer
Maintain our outdoor flower pots and garden as needed.
Bring your talents or interests to The Shores!
Contact Michele Musto with your projects/ideas to enhance the lives of our residents 609-391-6321
This program involves a series of conversations with professionals from various fields including Financial, Legal, Medical and Church related topics that all focus on "end of life" issues.
Please check back for upcoming dates.
"Our future is rooted in today."
In November, 2021 we created a new endowment fund to support the mission and ministries of St. John, and Church Council has committed $10,000 to start the St. John "Cedar Fund." How can you help? Well, you'll notice some extra giving envelopes in the back of the church, and donations with "Cedar Fund" in the memo line will be gratefully accepted.
10th & Central Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226
609-399-0798 office@stjohnlutheranoc.org
Copyright © 2019 St. John Lutheran Church - All Rights Reserved.