Greetings Friends In Christ!
John Chrysostom's Easter Sermon ended with these words..."commence a happy change." I highlighted these words and waited
till now. For me it's like a fresh start. Even "happy Sunday" is a fresh start a happy change..
Think Good Thoughts - "In conclusion my friends , fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: that are true, noble, right, lovely, and honorable." Philippians 4:8 GNT. Norman Vincent Peale echoed the sentiment
when he wrote "We are either destroyed or made whole by the kind of thoughts we think." Are you ready for a happy change?
James Banks asked "Are the best days of your life in front of you? Our outlook on life - and our answer to that question -
can change with time. When we're younger we look ahead. Once we've grown older, we yearn for the past. But when we walk
with God whatever our age, the best is yet to come."
Are you looking ahead to what God would do? Make a fresh start! Commence a happy change!
" May God himself, the God who makes everything Holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together - spirit, soul,
and body - and keep you fit for the coming (Advent) of our Master Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely
dependable. If God said it, God will do it! ". 2 Thessalonians 23-24
Happy change! Love to + Christ 🙏🏾 Interim Pastor Kevin
Happy Change
On September 21, Pastor Kevin celebrated the 45th anniversary of his ordination as a Lutheran minister. The congregation celebrated Pastor Kevin on Sunday, September 24th following service. We are blessed to have Pastor Kevin at St. John Lutheran Church, Ocean City.
The Reverend Kevin Hilgendorf was ordained at Grace Lutheran Church in Perth Amboy, New Jersey in 1979. Pastor Kevin is in the center of the photo. On his right is the Rev. Jack Elstad and on his left the Rev Jack Slotterback.
In the hymn #546 Evangelical Lutheran Worship " To Be Your Presence " the fourth verse states,"We are your heart, O Christ, your hands and voice, to serve your people is our call and choice, and in this mission we, the church, rejoice, alleluia!"
Congratulations, Pastor Kevin. We are blessed to have you serving our congregation!
Click the button to view the Mission Support Presentation from the 2023 NJ Synod Assembly. You can also visit the NJ Synod Website when you CLICK HERE.
This year’s Bishop’s Challenge asks all NJ congregations to engage with the care of creation by forming a team or small group and choosing at least one new action that focuses on environmental sustainability.
10th & Central Avenue, Ocean City, NJ 08226
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